Welcome to Derry Bragg
Welcome to Derry Bragg who has joined the Saffron Walden office on Reception, working as part of a job share with our existing Receptionist Sarah Murrell.
Welcome to Derry Bragg who has joined the Saffron Walden office on Reception, working as part of a job share with our existing Receptionist Sarah Murrell.
Jordan Publishing have announced their shortlist of nominees for the Family Law Awards 2014 and we are pleased to confirm that Clementine Harrison is on the shortlist in the Family Law Young Solicitor of the Year category.
Well done to Clementine for getting this far.
The award ceremony will take place in October this year.
01799 523441 Saffron Walden
01440 702485 Haverhill
01223 832939 Sawston