Adams Harrison choose to donate to local charities rather than sending cards out to clients and business associates at Christmas.
Homestart, Royston and South Cambridgeshire and Saffron Walden
The amount of £350.00 was donated to Homestart Royston and South Cambridgeshire.
To see more about the work of Homestart please visit
Homestart Saffron Walden was also presented with a cheque for £350

L to R Jennifer Carpenter Managing Partner Adams Harrison Presents cheque to Maureen Brierley and Sarah Mascall of Home Start.

Jenny Carpenter presenting the cheque to Debbie Flicos and Camilla Lethbridge of Home Start Saffron Walden
The Befriending Scheme Haverhill
The amount of £350 was presented to the Befriending Scheme in Haverhill by Jenny Carpenter.
The Befriending Scheme in Haverhill meet every Friday 10 til 3 and fortnightly on Tues evenings and are looking for volunteers. They were all very pleased and cheered when I spoke to them all!

Jenny Carpenter presents the cheque to the Befriending Scheme
Thank you letter from Homestart Royston