Archive for month: May, 2019
Sawston Fun Run 2019
/in News/by Sue LawtonAdams Harrison, sponsors of the Sawston Fun Run, entered a team of 12 on Sunday 12th May.
There were some 1100 runners taking part. Adams Harrison had two runners – Rebecca Dedman who achieved 17th place for her age group and Jack Edwards (Sue’s grandson) who achieved 25th in his age group with a time of 40 minutes.
As for the rest of the team we were collecting money and handing out flags on our way round and the last member came in some 47 minutes on the shorter route.
Law Society’s Legal Excellence Standard (Lexcel) For 20th Year
/in News/by Sue LawtonAdams Harrison are very pleased to announce that we have attained our re-accreditation to the Law Society’s Legal Excellence Standard (Lexcel) for the 20th year, having originally achieved the standard in 1999.
We were commended for 36 areas of good practice and highly commended for sustaining a very high level of compliance against the standard.
We were also highly commended for our approach to the development and implementation of our Community and Social Responsibility Policy by attending local schools, providing advice in Careers Events about the legal profession and helping pupils understand the workplace and recruitment into the sector. As well as supporting a number of local events and charities.
The audit commented on the excellent calibre and high morale of our staff.
Our assessor stated that there was clear evidence that we continue to place very significant emphasis on the levels of client care that we provide. He stated that it was evident from the files he reviewed that levels of client care were excellent.
Why make a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)?
/in Legal Updates/by Sarah BruceLasting Powers of Attorney could be considered as a type of insurance. Hopefully they would never be needed but if they are you are in a much better position for having taken one out.
A Lasting Power of Attorney can protect you and your assets if you became incapable of managing your own affairs.
You can become incapable of managing your affairs through various means and they are not just for the elderly. Illnesses such as dementia or Alzheimer’s are often the main reason for needing the document but they can be needed after an accident, stroke or other illness not just limited to the elderly.
You can only make a Lasting Power of Attorney while you have full capacity. They may or may not ever be needed. You do not lose the ability to manage your own affairs; they are only used if necessary and will only be used with your permission or upon receipt of a report from a medical professional to say that you can no longer manage your affairs. If you were to become incapable of managing your affairs and you do not have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place, your family would have to go through the lengthy and costly procedure of obtaining a Deputyship Order.
There are two forms of Lasting Power of Attorney. One is for your property and financial affairs which enables you to appoint someone to look after your finances if you become incapable. The other is for your health and welfare under which you can appoint someone to make decisions about medical treatment, where you live etc.
If you wish to discuss making a Lasting Power of Attorney either for Property and Financial Affairs or Health and Welfare, please contact one of our private client team who would be very happy to assist you.
For further advice or assistance please contact our Private Client Department
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