Our Lexcel accreditation – what’s it all about?

Adams Harrison are extremely proud to have held the Lexcel accreditation for 25 years.

The Law Society of England and Wales’ Lexcel quality mark is designed for legal practices that want to implement an effective practice management system.

First launched in 1998, Lexcel accreditation is a sign of quality, showcasing our firm’s commitment to sound practice management, and designed to give reassurance to our current and future clients that we are a firm built on trust and integrity.

According the Solicitors’ Regulatory Authority (SRA) as at the end of June 2024 there were a total of 9,958 law firms in England & Wales, ranging from sole practitioners to international firms. All may apply to hold the Lexcel accreditation.

Of those only 1,596 organisations hold the Lexcel accreditation.

We are in a group of only 14 law firms* who have held the Lexcel accreditation since 25th May 1999 or earlier.

You can find out more about the Lexcel quality standard here: https://www.lawsociety.org.uk/topics/firm-accreditations/lexcel

*These are law firms who still exist as they did when they were first awarded the Lexcel accreditation. Some law firms who were awarded the accreditation on 25th May 1999 or earlier may have merged or been acquired by other firms.