What Does Conditional Order Mean In Divorce Proceedings?

The Conditional Order (previously known as the Decree Nisi) is granted by the Court once the 20 week cooling off period, which is from the date of issue of the Divorce Application, has passed.

The Conditional Order is the first stage in the divorce proceedings and parties are not legally divorced until one or both parties apply for the Final Order (previously known as the Decree Absolute). This can only be applied for six weeks after the date of the Conditional Order.

Once the Final Order is granted by the Court, this legally brings the parties’ marriage to an end.

Please note however, that even though the Final Order has been granted in the divorce proceedings, this does not stop either party making financial claims against the other.

We are experts at handling divorces from the simplest to the most complex, so when you are ready to proceed please do call and we will provide you the professional support you need at a difficult time in your life.