Adams Harrison Sponsors Haverhill Triathalon

Adams Harrison HaverTri Sponsorship Jenny Carpenter and Jack Tappin

Jenny Carpenter, managing partner of Adams Harrison Solicitors, with HaverSports director Jack Tappin.

Haverhill’s triathlon has proud new sponsors in the shape of local solicitors Adams Harrison.

The company is the flagship sponsor of HaverTri, which is being held on Sunday 4 October at Haverhill Leisure Centre after attracting close to 200 triathletes to Haverhill for last year’s inaugural event.

HaverSports is also hosting Haverhill’s first duathlon to simultaneously with the triathlon, with both events raising money for Haverhill Scouts and Guides and being licensed by British Triathlon Federation.

HaverSports director Jack Tappin said: “After last year proved the popularity of triathlon last year I’m hoping to build on the foundation of success and grow HaverTri further this year, particularly with the addition of HaverDua to get those who complain about swimming taking part!

“It’s great that there are businesses like Adams Harrison in Haverhill that are committed to realising athletics events in the town, and I look forward to working with them to deliver another excellent event for Haverhill.”

Adams Harrison Solicitors has entered three relay teams to the Sprint+ race as employees look to show that they can go the distance.

Jenny Carpenter, managing partner at Adams Harrison Solicitors, said: “HaverSports has shown how popular athletics events are to Haverhill and we look forward to seeing hundreds swim, cycle and run round the town in October.

“We’re proud to be supporting HaverTri and realise how important it is for people to keep active while promoting the growth of community events.”

Duncan Batty, group Scout leader at 1st Haverhill, added: “Last year’s HaverTri delivered a welcome boost to our aim of funding new facilities so the children of Haverhill can continue to enjoy Scouting and Guiding. We look forward to seeing even more take part this year in this great community event, as community involvement is what we’re all about.”

You can get full details on HaverHalf and enter here:

Adams Harrison HaverTri Sponsorship Group Picture

Jenny Carpenter, managing partner of Adams Harrison Solicitors, with HaverSports director Jack Tappin and 2nd Haverhill Sea Scout leaders Monica Reed (left) and Kerry Meek with members of their troop who will among the beneficiaries of HaverTri 2015

Daughter Rejected By Mother In Will Wins £164k Inheritance

When Mrs Jackson died in 2004 she deliberately excluded her daughter from her Will and left her estate to animal charities with which she had little connection.  In a surprising decision the Court of Appeal has, however, awarded the daughter a substantial settlement from her mother’s estate. This case could prove to be a landmark ruling and will no doubt come as unwelcome news to anyone keen to disinherit a family member in similar circumstances.

The court heard that Mrs Jackson’s daughter, Heather Ilott, eloped at the age of 17 with her boyfriend and, as a result, her mother had never forgiven her. Mrs Jackson made her last will in 2002 with a letter to explain why she had disinherited her only daughter, referring to the fact she had walked out of her home in 1978 to live with her boyfriend.

When her mother passed away, Ms Ilott brought a claim under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975. This Act allows someone who was dependent on a person who has died to claim against their estate for ‘reasonable financial provision’ to be made if such provision has not been made for them in the deceased’s will. Ms Ilott successfully persuaded the Court that the absence of provision was ‘unreasonable’. This was surprising considering the two women had had no contact for years.

The factors which may have influenced the Court’s decision include the fact Ms Ilott is dependent on state benefits.  Furthermore, Ms Ilott was also totally excluded from the Will with one judge describing her mother’s decision as ‘harsh, unreasonable and capricious’.

If you are in any doubt about how to write a legally enforceable will then please contact us today and avoid any future problems.

Divorce And Making Your Will

What happens to your Will if you get divorced or end your civil partnership?

When you divorce or end your civil partnership your former spouse/civil partner is treated as having died before you.  This means that they will not inherit anything from your estate unless your Will specifically states that divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership would not affect the gift that was detailed in the Will.

In addition, if you had named your former spouse or civil partner as an executor in your Will (ie the person who collects in all your assets, pays off your debts and distributes your estate) they will not be able to act as your executor once you are divorced or after you have ended your civil partnership. If you had appointed your ex as your sole Executor, without any provision for a replacement, this would have to be rectified upon your death,  which could cause delays and  unnecessary costs.

Making a new Will

Unless there is good reason to the contrary the best time to make a new Will is after decree absolute and after all outstanding financial issues have been settled. That is so that any future claim of an ex spouse can be properly quantified.

It is especially important to make a Will to ensure that your children are adequately provided for.

Divorce also affects guardian appointments in a Will. If the couple getting divorced have children together, and not from previous marriages, then the remaining parent shall continue to have parental responsibility for those children.  Further guardianship for children of previous relationships need to be considered carefully.

Next steps

For further information about making a Will, please contact a member of our Private Client department for expert and professional advice.

DIY Wills- A Risky Business

A Will is one of the most important documents you will ever make but an increasing number of people are preparing homemade Wills, possibly in an attempt to cut costs. However, although DIY Wills could be relatively inexpensive, the legal costs involved to remedy their potential errors may well exceed the cost of a professionally prepared Will. Moreover, it may not be possible to rectify mistakes that are discovered after your death.

What are the dangers of a DIY Will?

Off-the-shelf DIY Will kits are often poorly completed, leading to confusion over what assets have been left and to whom. Common errors that can occur in the process of making a DIY Will include incorrectly signing or witnessing the Will, which renders the document invalid. Furthermore, a beneficiary can compromise their inheritance by acting as a witness.  Even if you successfully avoid these pitfalls and create a valid document using a homemade Will, there is always the possibility that your Will cannot be located when it is needed. By using a regulated Law Firm, not only can you be certain your Will contains your exact wishes and instructions, you can be confident your Will will be stored safely. Most law firms will allow you to store your Will in their strong room free of charge.

Are there any risks involved using a Will-writing firm?

If you choose to use a Will-writing firm over a solicitors’ firm, make sure it is regulated. A recent case in which an unregulated Will-writer was jailed for 14 months after fraudulently charging clients to fix a non-existent problem with their Wills, highlights the dangers of using an unregulated body.  The cost of a professionally written Will includes the advice given by a solicitor, who is subject to regulation by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, unlike many Will-writers who are not legally qualified or governed by regulation.

Further, there are possible hidden charges that could apply if your Will is retained by the Will-writing firm.  Some such firms have dissolved without trace.

Who is at risk?

Everyone is at risk of being persuaded by salesmen offering to write Wills at low prices but then to establish Trusts at greater costs which may be unnecessary.   It is the elderly who are frequently targeted by Will-writing companies who often apply high pressure selling techniques.

Our advice

Do not be tempted to cut corners when it comes to writing your Will. Doing so could result in high legal costs or, at worst, an invalid Will.  Seek the help of regulated solicitors and relax with the peace of mind that your wishes will be carried out.

Tom Harrison Retires


Tom Harrison Senior Partner At Adams Harrison Retires

Tom Harrison Senior Partner At Adams Harrison Retires

Following a gathering on 29th June of friends, family and colleagues Tom Harrison retired as Senior Partner from the Practice of Adams Harrison, however he will retain a presence as a consultant.

We all wish him a long and happy retirement.

More Success For Leanne

Leanne Mayes who recently won the Young Lawyer of the Year earlier this year, has now just received confirmation that she has been accepted as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives. 

Accordingly she now has FCILEx after her name.

Congratulations and well done to Leanne.

Tom Harrison Retires as A Partner


Tom Harrison of Adams Harrison Solicitors

Tom Harrison presented with a cake at his last Adams Harrison partner’s meeting.

Pictured is Senior Partner Tom Harrison attending his last Partners’ Meeting, as he will be retiring as a partner from the Practice on 30th June 2015. 

However Tom will not be leaving Adams Harrison completely as he will be staying on in the capacity of Consultant and will still be attending the Haverhill office two days a week.

All the staff send their best wishes to Tom for this next stage in his legal career.

30th Sawston Fun Run

Adams Harrison Team in 30th Sawston Fun Run

Sue Lawton, Lisa Thornhill, Rebecca Dedman, Tom Harrison, Joe Twelftree, Gillian Gilligan, Simon Gilligan, Emily Twelftree, Wiki Jaworska and Gillian’s dog Crumble at the front.


Crumble The Adams Harrison Mascot 2

Crumble The Adams Harrison Mascot

Yesterday a team from Adams Harrison took part in the 30th  Sawston Fun Run, which is the largest annual community-led event and one that Adams Harrison have sponsored since they took over Webb & Partners in 2008. 

The Fun Run was well attended and our team collected a good sum of money on the run round in our bucket, and handed out our flags to the young children along the way. 

This year the money raised by the event will be going to the Tom’s Trust, which was set up in 2011 as a legacy to Tom Whiteley who died aged 9 of a brain tumour.  The charity was set up to raise funds for caring for children with brain tumours and their families.   Plus a further  eighteen other local charities and good causes will benefit from the money raised.


Keys To The Door

Katie Powell Trainee Legal Secretary at Adams HarrisonCongratulations to our trainee legal secretary Katie Powell at our Sawston office who was 21 recently.

The Partners were pleased to present her with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and the other members of the Sawston office had a collection and gave her some lovely presents too.

Clementine Harrison Achieves Police Station Accreditation.

Congratulations to Clementine Harrison who has successfully completed and passed the police station accreditation process to represent clients at the police station.

In doing so she demonstrated her knowledge and experience by submitting a portfolio of cases.  Also she passed a Critical Incident Test – an oral exam responding to various hypothetical police station scenarios under timed conditions.

Well done Clementine.