Adams Harrison sponsor the East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) Essex Colour Dash

Adams Harrison is one of the proud sponsors for the first ever EACH Colour Dash to take place in Essex on the 6th September 2015.

The Colour Dash is taking place within the Audley End Estate, where you can run or walk your way around the 5km route whilst getting covered in coloured powder paint.

Registrations are now open for this fantastic event, click on the following link to register now!

Adams Harrison Sponsor EACH Colour Dash In September 2015

Adams Harrison Sponsor EACH Colour Dash In September 2015

Trainee Lawyer Of The Year Award

Many congratulations to Leanne Mayes legal executive at Adams Harrison’s Saffron Walden office in the Wills and Probate team who was shortlisted and has now won the Cambridgeshire and District Law Society Trainee Lawyer of the Year Award .  

Well done Leanne!

Leanne Mayes Adams Harrison Trainee Lawyer Of The Year

Leanne Mayes Cambridgeshire and District Law Society Trainee Lawyer Of The Year 2015


New Member Of The Conveyancing Team

Richard Tallon Adams Harrison Solicitors

Richard Tallon Solicitor in the Adams Harrison Saffron Walden Conveyancing Team.

We would like to say a slightly belated “hello” to the newest member of the Adams Harrison conveyancing team, Richard Tallon

Richard has enjoyed a varied career since his qualification as a solicitor in 1979 but since 2000 has specialised in residential property work.

He became a permanent member of the Saffron Walden conveyancing team at Christmas 2014.

Clients value his accessibility and appreciate his common-sense approach to the stresses and strains of the house moving process.

British Heart Foundation WEAR IT. BEAT IT Certificate

Following the success of our WEAR IT. BEAT IT. Charity day for The British Heart Foundation on the 6th February we were pleased to receive a certificate from them this week thanking us for our support and raising £55.10. Well done to Becky Monk for organising it.

Wear It Beat It Certificate for Adams Harrison

Wear It Beat It Certificate for Adams Harrison

Welcome To Jane

We are delighted to welcome Jane Brennan who joined our conveyancing team at the Adams Harrison Saffron Walden office as a legal secretary on 9th February 2015.

Happy Retirement Christina

Christina Tapper Surprised By Adams Harrison Colleagues

Christina Tapper Surprised By Adams Harrison Colleagues

On Monday this week we said good luck and farewell to Christina Tapper from our conveyancing department, after 19 years fantastic service to our clients.

A celebratory luncheon was held by the partners at the Saffron Walden office, and staff from our other offices attended. Christina was presented with gifts and good wishes.

Christina has successfully helped hundreds of clients move home (some on more than one or two occasions), following her departure this work will be carried out by Richard Tallon, a senior and specialist residential conveyancing solicitor, who has been with the firm since January.

The partners and staff will miss Christina, and wish her a very happy retirement.

Christina Tapper Reads Retirement Wishes from Adams Harrison Colleagues

Christina Tapper Reads Retirement Wishes from Adams Harrison Colleagues

Christina Opens Gift Of Earrings From Her Adams Harrison Colleagues

Christina Opens Gift Of Earrings From Her Adams Harrison Colleagues

Christina Tappers Retirement Gift A Cherry Tree From The Partners Of Adams Harrison

Christina Tappers Retirement Gift A Cherry Tree From The Partners Of Adams Harrison

Christina Tapper Retirement Cake

Christina Tapper Retirement Cake


On the 6th February we took part in WEAR IT. BEAT IT. – The British Heart Foundation charity day for wearing something red to work, and enjoying eating cakes! The day was organised by Becky Monk from our accounts department and in total we raised £55.00.

Adams Harrison Team Taking Part Ib Wear It Beat It.

Adams Harrison Team Taking Part In Wear It Beat It. Left to right:- Coral Ott, Sue Lawton, Christine Gee, Cazz Rice and Katie Powell

Save The Children’s Thank You To Adams Harrison

We have received another thank you for our donation to charity. This lovely thank you came from Save the Children for our £300 donation!

Save The Children Thanks Adams Harrison

EACH Thanks Adams Harrison

A Very Special Thank You!

We were delighted to receive a very special Thank You from EACH (East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices) this week for our donation of £350 to the charity.

EACH Thanks Adams Harrison Foe Christmas 2014 Fund Raising


Adams Harrison Shows Their Support To Local And National Children Charities

Jennifer Carpenter of Adams Harrison presents cheque to Lynne Taylor of Save the Children

Jennifer Carpenter of Adams Harrison presents cheque to Lynne Taylor of Save the Children

Adams Harrison have carried the Christmas spirit into the New Year by donating £1000 across national and local charities. The money was given in lieu of sending Christmas Cards to their clients in December, something that they have done for the past few years.

Jennifer Carpenter, Managing Partner said, “we are delighted to have donated money to both local and national causes. We make donations to local charities every year, however, this year with the Ebola Crisis we felt it only right that we also donated to the Children suffering in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.”

Rebecca Dedman a Solicitor at the firm from their Family Department proudly presented a Cheque for £350.00 to Madeleine Heath at the East Anglian Children’s Hospice when she visited their Milton site in Cambridgeshire, last week (13th January).

Two days later Shoshana Goldhill – the family department partner presented a cheque to Claire Durrant the Chair of Trustees and Christine Till Scheme Manager of Home Start Uttlesford for £350.00 at their offices at Uttlesford District Council.  In addition to donating to these two great causes, Jennifer Carpenter at Adams Harrison handed over a cheque to Lynne Taylor volunteer for Save the Children for £300 towards the Ebola Crisis appeal at the Saffron Walden office this week.