
We are pleased to announce that we have successfully achieved re-accreditation to the Legal Excellence Standard (Lexcel) and also Investors in People, having held both since 1999.

We are audited and have to achieve a high level of compliance in all areas to obtain these accreditations.

Welcome to Tracy Spilsbury

Welcome to Tracy Spilsbury, Solicitor, who joined the conveyancing team at the Haverhill office on 7th July. Tracy has worked in Cambridge Haverhill and more recently Ely, and we are very pleased to welcome her to the practice. She comes with a wealth of conveyancing experience and will complement the existing team.

Welcome to Derry Bragg

Welcome to Derry Bragg who has joined the Saffron Walden office on Reception, working as part of a job share with our existing Receptionist Sarah Murrell.

Family Law Awards 2014

Jordan Publishing have announced their shortlist of nominees for the Family Law Awards 2014 and we are pleased to confirm that Clementine Harrison is on the shortlist in the Family Law Young Solicitor of the Year category.

Well done to Clementine for getting this far.

The award ceremony will take place in October this year.

Saffron Walden Carnival

We took part in the Saffron Walden Carnival on Saturday to celebrate our 180 years of practice in the area.

Adams Harrison Float At Saffron Walden Carnival

Adams Harrison Float At Saffron Walden Carnival

Adams Harrison Staff At Saffron Walden Carnival

Adams Harrison Staff At Saffron Walden Carnival

Congratulations to Rebecca Dedman

Congratulations to Rebecca Dedman who finished 26th in her class at the recent Sawston Fun Run.

Rebecca Dedman and Sue Lawton of Adams Harrison

Rebecca Dedman and Sue Lawton of Adams Harrison

Welcome to a new arrival

Congratulations to member of staff Lucy and husband Daniel on the arrival of baby Stanley David Potter – born 8th April 2014 weighing 91b 15oz.

Paul Cammiss

Our Partner, Paul Cammiss, is due to retire from the Practice at the end of this month. Monday saw him attending his last Partners’ Meeting, which we celebrated by getting him a cake to remind him…

Paul Cammiss With Retirement Cake

Paul Cammiss With Retirement Cake

Welcome To Barbara Placido

Welcome to Barbara Placido who joined the Haverhill team on 24th March 2014 as a Trainee Solicitor.