Why Appoint Professional Executors?

Executors are the people you appoint in your Will to carry out the administration of your estate when you pass away.  Although many people choose to appoint family members or friends, it is also possible to appoint professional executors such as Solicitors.

Here are some reasons why you may wish to appoint professional executors:-

  • Appointing professional executors removes the responsibility for the job from family and friends, particularly the surviving spouse or civil partner. It relieves friends and relatives of the duty at a time when they will be grieving.
  • Estates with assets overseas, business or agricultural interests, or those with complex trusts will require specialist advice in order to be dealt with correctly.  Appointing a professional executor with specialist knowledge will help with the administration and make sure common pitfalls are avoided.
  • If a Will leaves ongoing trusts, perhaps for minor children until they reach a specified age or for vulnerable beneficiaries who are unable to manage their own property and financial affairs, appointing professionals will ensure the trust is run correctly.
  • If you have members of your immediate family who do not get on then it may not be a sensible idea to appoint them as your executors. Professional executors, however, are neutral and will ensure that your wishes are carried out.

Although professional executors will make a charge for their services, their appointment can be invaluable.

For more information, please contact a member of our Wills and Probate department for expert and professional advice.


Hayley Ford 

Support For Home Start and The Befriending Scheme

Adams Harrison choose to donate to local charities rather than sending cards out to clients and business associates at Christmas.

Homestart, Royston and South Cambridgeshire and Saffron Walden

The amount of £350.00 was donated to Homestart Royston and South Cambridgeshire.

To see more about the work of Homestart please visit www.hsrsc.org.uk

Homestart Saffron Walden was also presented with a cheque for £350

Adams Harrison Present Cheque to Homestart Royston

L to R Jennifer Carpenter Managing Partner Adams Harrison Presents cheque to Maureen Brierley and Sarah Mascall of Home Start.

Jenny Carpenter presenting the cheque to Debbie Flicos and Camilla Lethbridge of Home Start Saffron Walden

Jenny Carpenter presenting the cheque to Debbie Flicos and Camilla Lethbridge of Home Start Saffron Walden

The Befriending Scheme Haverhill

The amount of  £350 was presented to the Befriending Scheme in Haverhill by Jenny Carpenter.

The Befriending Scheme in Haverhill thebefriendingscheme.org.uk/about-us/gallery/haverhill-hub/ meet every Friday 10 til 3 and fortnightly on Tues evenings and are looking for volunteers. They were all very pleased and cheered when I spoke to them all!

Adams Harrison Present Cheque to The Befriending Scheme Haverhill

Jenny Carpenter presents the cheque to the Befriending Scheme

Thank you letter from Homestart Royston

Thank you letter from Homestart Royston


Emma Laidlaw Organises Support For Haverhill Food Bank

Each year Emma Laidlaw delivers large boxes to each office and asks that we fill them with donations for the Haverhill Food Bank.

Emma then goes round and collects them up a couple of weeks later, and as you will see then delivers all the food we have collected to the Food Bank.

This year a total of 77kgs was donated by the three offices and delivered to the Food Bank by Emma.

Well done to Emma for organizing it all, and well done to the partners and staff of Adams Harrison for collecting such a large amount.

Emma Laidlaw of Adams Harrison At Haverhill Food Bank

Emma Laidlaw of Adams Harrison At Haverhill Food Bank

Save The Children Christmas Jumper Day 2016

The team at Adams Harrison have risen to the challenge of Save The Children’s Christmas Jumper Day, donning their finest jumpers to raise £32 for this excellent charity.

Wishing all our staff and clients a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Saffron Walden Office


Sawston Office


Haverhill Office

What Should Be Included In Holiday Pay?

There has been a significant amount of cases addressing the question of what it is appropriate for an employer to pay for periods of statutory annual leave. The position is clear and straightforward where the employee receives a regular wage, or even if the hours or wage are irregular it is clear from the Working Time Regulations 1998 that average remuneration should be calculated over the previous 12 weeks prior to leave being taken. The position is more complex though when the employee/worker receives additional contractual payments as part of their remuneration to include bonuses, overtime and commission.

The Court of Appeal decision in the British Gas Trading Ltd –v- Lock and another case has now been reported. The Court of Appeal has upheld the Employment Appeal Tribunal decision that where an employee receives an element of results-based commission as part of their pay this should be included when they are on statutory annual leave. However, the case does not specify how this should be calculated.
We can advise on holiday pay cases both for employees and employers.

Jennifer Carpenter
Employment Law Specialist

Guess The Number of Smarties for Children In Need



How Many Smarties?

Adams Harrison staff across their 3 offices took place in various activities in support of Children in Need 2016.

The main event was guessing how many Smarties were in a jar, plus there was a raffle and general collections.

The Smarties game was won by Partner Melanie Pratlett’s son.

The total raised was £115.00.

Adams Harrison Great Office Bake Off 2016

Adams Harrison staff took part in the Great Office Bake Off, not sure how much weight they have all put on!

One of the local Estate Agents acted as the Judge.

All cakes were wonderful.

The winner was….

Teresa for her Lemon Cupcakes with Homemade Lemon Curd.

Thank you to everyone that got involved and donated.  We have so far raised £153.77 for Macmillan.


Adams Harrison Bake Off Winner 2016 Teresa

Adams Harrison Bake Off Winner 2016 Teresa

Adams Harrison 2016 Bake Off winning lemon cupcakes

Adams Harrison 2016 Bake Off winning lemon cupcakes

Adams Harrison 2016 Bake Off Prize

Adams Harrison 2016 Bake Off Prize

Wear It Pink Day

Adams Harrsion staff supported “Wear It Pink Day” and after the event Teresa Pitts wrote;

Thank you for supporting the Breast Cancer Appeal.  Across the three offices we have raised a total of £86.23 .

Becky won the scratch card and very kindly donated the money she had won to this worthwhile charity.


Adams Harrison Support Wear It Pink Day 2016

Adams Harrison Support Wear It Pink Day 2016


Uttlesford Schools’ Careers Fair 2016

Five representatives of Adams Harrison attended the Uttlesford Schools’ Careers Fair, Lisa Thornhill, Hayley Ford, Emma Laidlaw, Jack Stewart and Sue Lawton. 

They were able to discuss the career path into law with a lot of students, and Sue Lawton reported “I had one young lady ask me a question I have never been asked before, How do I become a Crown Court Judge?”. 

These events are hugely important for Adams Harrison as, this is our future….

Lisa Thornhill, Emma Laidlaw and Hayley Ford at Uttesford Schools Careers Fair

Lisa Thornhill, Emma Laidlaw and Hayley Ford at Uttesford Schools Careers Fair

Jack Stewart at Uttesford Schools Careers Fair

Jack Stewart at Uttesford Schools Careers Fair

Certificate Of Appreciation Uttesford Schools Fair 2016

Certificate Of Appreciation Uttesford Schools Fair 2016

Adams Harrison Triathlon Results

Well done everyone who took part in the Triathlon yesterday, we were really lucky weather wise and you were all brilliant!  The final times were:-

Team 1:-
Lois – (swim) 12 minutes 27 seconds
Andy – (cycle) 1 hour 34 minutes 39 seconds
Rebecca (run) 1 hour 31 seconds
Total time including transition time: 2 hours 49 minutes 27 seconds.

Team 2:-
Hayley (swim) 12 minutes 16 seconds
Mr Harrison (cycle) 1 hour 57 minutes 48 seconds
Simon (run) 54 minutes 10 seconds
Total time including transition time: 3 hours 6 minutes 27 seconds.


We came 2nd and 3rd in the team relay and we have two trophies which are now in the library at Haverhill.  The Adams Harrison Triathlon trophy has gone to Sawston with Rebecca  for the victorious team!

Adams Harrison sponsor this event so we were very pleased to have achieved such a good result with our teams.

Thank You From The Organisers

We were delighted to receive the following letter from the organisers.
