Adams Harrison supported the recent Haverhill Schools Career Fair held at the Samuel Ward School.
Children from three different schools in the area, Samuel Ward, Castle Manor and Churchill, attended the event run throughout the day on Friday 20th September, Students were given the opportunity to find out about what opportunities there were for them in the workplace.
The Police, NHS, Army, Customs and a host of other stands were there for the students to come along and find out what is involved and what qualifications they would need to be accepted.
In the photo is Practice Manager Sue Lawton addressing a group of students. Sue and Anton Bilinski, a Chartered Legal Executive, had a lot of enquiries from students looking to go into the law. Matt Hancock the local MP for the area attended to officially open the event.

After the Fair we received the following feedback, from Glen Todd of New Anglia LEP
Thank you all for attending and supporting with the first Haverhill Careers Fair on Friday. Your participation was very much appreciated by the students and staff at Samuel Ward Academy, Castle Manor Academy and Churchill Special Free School. In all we had approximately 1500 pupils attend on the day and we received extremely positive feedback from students and teachers.
The significance of your attendance to the young people I believe can be highlighted by the below research.
“Young adults who have greater levels of contact with employers while at school are five times less likely to become not in education, employer or training (NEET) and can expect, when in full-time employment, to earn up to 18% more than peers who had no such employer engagement.”