Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority Review Announced

At the end of last year the Justice Minister announced a review of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) together with a full consultation on the reform proposals.

A CICA claim allows persons who have been physically or mentally injured because they were the victim of a violent crime in England, Scotland or Wales. Compensation can offer a public acknowledgement of harm suffered by victims of violent crime who have been unable to seek compensation by other means.

In 2017/18 CICA made decisions on over 40,000 applications and paid out approximately £154 million in compensation. The review will consider the scope of the scheme, eligibility rules, decision making processes and the value of awards. The reform proposals are due to be published in 2019 and updates will appear once these have been announced.

If you have suffered an injury that was not your fault then please contact our Personal Injury department to discuss your accident.