Pretty Muddy And Pretty Successful Fund Raising
/in News/by Sue LawtonOne of our solicitors, Dawn Staal, who took part in the Pretty Muddy fund raising for Cancer Research – Dawn raised well over £200.00 for the cause.
Thank you to the partners for donating to this worthy cause in return for my sporting the Adams Harrison T Shirt. Thank you also to those of you who also donated.
I had a lot of fun doing this and I am pleased to say that I completed ALL of the obstacles. I also got pretty muddy as you can see from the photos.
Adams Harrison has got Legal Talent
/in News/by Jenny CarpenterAdams Harrison took part on the weekend of 8th July in the Saffron Walden Carnival (which, by all accounts, is second in size to the Notting Hill Carnival).
Their float was designed around the theme of “Adams Harrison has got Legal Talent” – based on the Britain’s Got Talent.
Afterwards Jenny Carpenter wrote;
“A huge thanks to everyone that took part in the Saffron Walden Carnival procession on Saturday. As you can see from the attached photos we completely transformed the lorry.
Thank you for giving up your time, especially early on a Saturday morning to get it all ready and the preparation that was done in advance by many.”
Sawston Fun Run 2017…After
/in News/by Sue LawtonMore from Adams Harrison participation at the Sawston Fun Run.
Sawston Fun Run 2017…Before!
/in News/by Sue LawtonAdams Harrison participated and were one of the sponsors for the Sawston Fun Run again this year.
Here is a gallery of images of people before the event.
Support For Home Start and The Befriending Scheme
/in News/by Sue LawtonAdams Harrison choose to donate to local charities rather than sending cards out to clients and business associates at Christmas.
Homestart, Royston and South Cambridgeshire and Saffron Walden
The amount of £350.00 was donated to Homestart Royston and South Cambridgeshire.
To see more about the work of Homestart please visit
Homestart Saffron Walden was also presented with a cheque for £350

L to R Jennifer Carpenter Managing Partner Adams Harrison Presents cheque to Maureen Brierley and Sarah Mascall of Home Start.

Jenny Carpenter presenting the cheque to Debbie Flicos and Camilla Lethbridge of Home Start Saffron Walden
The Befriending Scheme Haverhill
The amount of £350 was presented to the Befriending Scheme in Haverhill by Jenny Carpenter.
The Befriending Scheme in Haverhill meet every Friday 10 til 3 and fortnightly on Tues evenings and are looking for volunteers. They were all very pleased and cheered when I spoke to them all!
Thank you letter from Homestart Royston
Emma Laidlaw Organises Support For Haverhill Food Bank
/in News/by Emma LaidlawEach year Emma Laidlaw delivers large boxes to each office and asks that we fill them with donations for the Haverhill Food Bank.
Emma then goes round and collects them up a couple of weeks later, and as you will see then delivers all the food we have collected to the Food Bank.
This year a total of 77kgs was donated by the three offices and delivered to the Food Bank by Emma.
Well done to Emma for organizing it all, and well done to the partners and staff of Adams Harrison for collecting such a large amount.
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- Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
- Weekends: Closed
01799 523441 Saffron Walden
01440 702485 Haverhill
01223 832939 Sawston