Thank You From Sawston Village College
/in News/by Sue LawtonWe received this very nice comment Sawston Village College, where Adams Harrison sponsor an award for their sports award evening.
I just wanted to say thank you for supporting our Sports Awards Evening which ran successfully this evening. These events are not possible without the support of Sponsors, like yourself, so thank you for investing the time and resources into our awards evening.
Many thanks,
Miss E Rogers, PE Teacher
Adams Harrison At Haverhill Show
/in News/by Jenny CarpenterAdams Harrison were proud to be one of the sponsors for the Haverhill Show on Sunday 15th July 2018.
By sponsoring £250 for the event it meant that various activities could be made available for children at a significantly reduced cost.
We like to get involved in local events. It was lovely to be able to be based on the Recreation Ground all day. Jenny Carpenter (Managing Partner), Sue Lawton (Practice Manager) and Cathy Buck (Legal Executive) were able to meet and greet a number of people and assist with some legal enquiries. Children enjoyed our free lucky dip.
We look forward to being involved again next year.
Bake Off Success For Adams Harrison Staff
/in News/by Jack StewartWe are pleased to present confirmation of who won this years Adams Harrison bake off event. It was a closely run thing and the top three bakes received some great comments from the local Saffron Walden Estate agents judging panel:
“Better than sex” – Max Cutsforth, Associate @ Cheffins
“Considering none of us like Lemon drizzle cakes it was blooming lovely” – Arkwrights
“We need more and the recipe” – Nick Bush, Associate Director @ Mullucks Wells
Here we are, top three:
- Shoshana Goldhill and her Banana breads in third place with an average score of 38/40
- Debbie Dearman with her brownies in second place with 38.5/40
- And this years winner is Emma Laidlaw and her lemon bundt cake with 38.8/40
We are counting up the monies still with some more coming in later today. Thank you again to everyone that took part and the winner will be receiving her prize shortly and will be able to decide which charity the monies raised will be sent to.
Thank you!!!
Jack Stewart
Intestacy. What Happens If You Die Without Making A Will?
/in Legal Updates, News/by Sarah BruceIt is incredibly important to make a Will to ensure that your estate passes as you intend.
In England and Wales, there is a statutory set of rules which apply if you die without leaving a Will (Intestate) when your estate will be divided according to this set of rules, irrespective of your wishes. Your spouse/civil partner may not automatically receive all of your estate.
If you have children, grandchildren or great grandchildren
Your spouse/civil partner will receive all your personal possession, the first £250,000 of your estate in your sole name and a half share of the remainder of your estate in your sole name over this value.
The other half of your estate over this limit will pass directly to your children.
All children are treated equally including adopted children but step children will not be included.
They will receive their inheritance when they reach the age of 17 or if they marry or enter into a civil partnership before they are 18.
If your estate is worth £250,000 or less, your children will receive nothing.
If you are not married/in a civil partnership, or you have divorced or ended your civil partnership, your children will inherit the whole of your estate.
If you have separated but are still married/in a civil partnership, your spouse/civil partner may inherit, even though you no longer live together.
If you have no children, grandchildren or great grandchildren
Your spouse/civil partner will receive all your personal possession and the remainder of your estate.
Any assets your hold jointly will pass automatically to the surviving joint owner and will not be subject to the Intestacy Rules.
Congratulations to Hayley Ford
/in News/by Sue LawtonCongratulations to Hayley Ford on passing the Trust Exam that she took in May this year as part of her Society of Trust and Estates Practitioners accreditation.
The Importance of Identification
/in Legal Updates, News/by Lisa ThornhillBuying and selling property can be an exciting time and as soon as you have found a buyer or a property to purchase, you will want your solicitor or conveyancer to review the legal paperwork and proceed with property checks as quickly as possible. But before your solicitor or conveyancer begins working on your behalf, they will request various forms of original identification from you. Such forms of identification might include passports, driving licences, utility or bank statements received recently by post. They may also undertake identity checks and searches on you and, as a result, request further identification. This procedure is more than a formality or for record’s sake, it is a preventative against fraud.
The recent cases of P&P Property Ltd v Owen White & Catlin LLP (2018) and Dreamvar (UK) Ltd v Mishcon de Reya and another (2018) both involved fraudsters posing as property owners in selling vacant properties. In both cases the purchase money paid by the buyers to the fraudsters could not be recovered. You will appreciate, therefore that it is in all parties’ interests to make sure proper ID checks are carried out so that fraud can be avoided wherever possible.
Solicitors and conveyancers are now undertaking stringent identity checks on their clients, when clients are selling vacant properties, to ensure as best they can that the persons who have appointed them are legitimately who they say they are. This can sometimes take time and require the need for further identification to be provided. Rest assured, the checks are being undertaken for the benefit of all parties involved.
Lisa Thornhill, Conveyancing Solicitor, Adams Harrison
Are You A Separated Parent And Thinking About Taking Your Children Abroad On Holiday?
/in Legal Updates, News/by Kerri WestlakeAs the summer months approach us, many begin dreaming of taking a break from reality and jetting off abroad with the children for a holiday. However, if you are a separated parent you need to consider carefully whether you are legally entitled to carry out your plans.
1. There is a Residence Order or ‘lives with’ Child Arrangements Order in place
If there is a Residence Order or Child Arrangements Order in place, ordering that your children ‘live with’ you (formerly known as a Residence Order) then you are able to take your children abroad on holiday for up to 28 days. The order must stipulate that the children are to ‘live with’ or ‘reside’ with you after the words “it is ordered”. If you do have an Order of this nature and are travelling abroad with the children, then it is still courteous to inform the other parent of your intentions. The only way you would be unable to travel abroad on holiday with the children when there is a ‘lives with’ Order in place, would be if there was also a Prohibited Steps Order in place preventing you from doing so.
2. There is a Contact Order or ‘spends time with’ Child Arrangements Order in place
If the Child Arrangements Order does not legally record that the children are to ‘live with’ you as explained above, or you are the parent that ‘spends time with’ the children (previously known as a Contact Order) then you must obtain the consent from everyone who shares Parental Responsibility for the children, before you are able to take the children abroad on holiday.
3. There is no Court Order in place in relation to the children
Whether you are the children’s primary carer or not, you would need to obtain the consent from everyone who shares Parental Responsibility for the children, before you are able to take the children abroad on holiday.
4. Who shares Parental Responsibility?
A child’s mother will always have Parental Responsibility (unless a public law order has been made stipulating otherwise). A child’s father will share parental responsibility if he was married to the mother, he is named on the child’s birth certificate (only applicable to births registered after 01.12.2003), he and the mother have entered into a Parental Responsibility Agreement, or the Court has made a Parental Responsibility Order in the father’s favour. Other third parties, such as step parents, guardians or same sex parents may also share Parental Responsibility, by virtue of a Parental Responsibility Agreement or Parental Responsibility Order. A third party could also acquire Parental Responsibility if they have a Residence Order or ‘lives with’ order in their favour.
5. What happens if I cannot obtain the necessary consent?
For the avoidance of doubt, it is always recommended that consent from the necessary third parties is obtained in writing before a holiday is taken. If consent is not given or refused, then it would be necessary for you to make an application to the Court for a Specific Issue Order before your intended holiday. The Court are able to make an Order permitting a foreign holiday in the absence of consent from the necessary third parties. If the other parent or person with Parental Responsibility wants to prevent a foreign trip for a specific reason, then they could apply to the Court for a Prohibited Steps Order. If you travel abroad with the children without the appropriate consent or Order of the Court, then you could potentially be prosecuted for child abduction.
If you are unsure whether you are acting appropriately, or wish to receive further advice or assistance in this regard, then please do not hesitate to contact our Family Department.
Graduate Legal Executive
Lexcel Report 2018
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