Legal Update – The Renters’ Rights Bill

Earlier this month in the House of Lords, on its second reading members discussed the main topics in the Bill and highlighted concerns or specific areas where they think amendments are needed.

The main points included:

  • Reassurance that the Court system would cope with the impact from the Bill.
  • The limits on advance rent was debated, so this might be subject to change;
  • Consideration that purpose built student accommodation now be removed from the regime
  • Pets are to stay but there is concern over no comprehensive pet insurance existing.

You can read the Hansard transcript setting out the discussions here

The Bill now moves on to the Committee Stage before a 3rd Reading with plans to implement the Bill still remain for Summer 2025

Adams Harrison Annual Awards For Outstanding Contributions 2024

To recognise outstanding performance during the year the partners ask staff to nominate colleagues for a number of different categories.

In December 2024 awards were given to the following staff:

Unsung Hero – Alison Helbert – Accounts Manager


Best Team Player – Anton Bilinski – Legal Executive Litigation Department


Best Paper Light Team – Stefonie O’Marra – Legal Executive Residential Conveyancing Department and her Personal Assistant Tina Smith


Most Outstanding Contributor – Jessica Curtis – Legal Secretary for Jack Stewart Residential Conveyancing Department


Best Customer Service – Debra Tofts – Sawston Receptionist and Administration Assistant


As well as a plaque to display on their desk, award winners also receive an extra day annual leave.

It’s Not All Work And No Play At Adams Harrison

On 14th December staff took the opportunity to step away from their desks and enjoy a Christmas party at Rowley Mile Conference Centre in Newmarket

A great time was had by all!

Adams Harrison Donates To Local Charities for Christmas 2024

Once again, in lieu of sending Christmas cards, we have asked staff to nominate a charity local to each office to receive a charitable donation.

We are delighted to have made these donations before Christmas to:


Thrive Hub Haverhill

Thrive Hub provides an enabling environment for those with learning disabilities, sensory impairment or physical to choose their own activities and enjoy life

Jennifer Carpenter presents Christmas 2024 donation to Jade from Thrive Hub

UCAN – Uttlesford Community Action Network

UCAN works to reduce loneliness and isolation and to enable people to live independent but supported and connected lives

Jennifer Carpenter presents Christmas 2024 donation to Sophie from UCAN


Caring Together Great Shelford Carers Hub

Caring Together supports carers of all ages to provide support and services to make their role more manageable and to benefit both carer and cared for.

Richard Booth makes Christmas 2024 donation to George from Caring Together Great Shelford Carers Hub

Adams Harrison Christmas Jumper Day 12th December 2024

Staff at our offices wore Christmas Jumpers today to celebrate Christmas Jumper Day 2024 and to raise funds for Save the Children.

Haverhill Office

Saffron Walden Office

Sawston Office

HM Land Registry increases fees with effect from 9th December 2024

From Monday 9th December, fees for HM Land Registry information services will increase for the first time in more than 10 years.

HM Land Registry said that the increase reflects the increased costs of running and improving HM Land Registry’s services, as well as plans to increase digitalisation and transformation of data. However, even with this increase, the majority of customers will still be paying less than they were in 1992.

The fee will increase by £4*, for example:

  • inspection of an individual register or plan (by electronic means) will increase from £3 to £7
  • official copy of an individual register or plan (by electronic means) will increase from £3 to £7
  • registration, cancellation or rectification of an entry per name (Agricultural Credits Service or application) will increase from £1 to £5

*The increase is £4 per application with the exception of Land Charges applications submitted on paper. These will increase by £6 for searches and £5 for official copies and inspections to address an existing anomaly and also to align with the principle of higher fees for processing paper requests compared with digital requests.

Congratulations To Luke Gardiner

The partners at Adams Harrison are delighted to announce that, following a two year period of training, Luke was accepted onto the Roll of Solicitors in England & Wales at The Law Society on 14th November.

Luke said “I’m thrilled that my training contract has come to an end and I am officially enrolled in the profession! It has been an incredible journey for me and I couldn’t be more grateful to Adams Harrison for the excellent support and guidance I received through my training contract. I am excited to see how my next chapter at Adams Harrison will unfold as I begin my journey as a qualified Solicitor!”

Jennifer Carpenter, Managing Partner said “Luke has steadily grown in experience and knowledge throughout his training contract. He is certainly well equipped now to be an excellent solicitor whilst he continues to develop his expertise in property related matters. We are very pleased to have him permanently on board with us.”

Luke will concentrate on helping clients with property law, including residential conveyancing work and all property dispute related issues and litigation.

What you should consider when choosing a professional to handle your divorce and financial matters

There are many businesses that offer support when you are seeking a divorce or dissolution of civil partnership.

When choosing a professional to assist you through the divorce process it is important to be aware of the difference between divorce service providers.

Regulated Professionals

A regulated professional can both advise and represent you in divorce proceedings.

If the divorce service provider is regulated this means that: –

  • A complaint can be made to the Legal Ombudsman about problems with the service received if the business does not resolve in house.
  • Regulated professionals have to follow codes of conduct set out by their regulator. This includes standards, training and qualifications they must meet.
  • There could be access to compensation either through the provider’s own insurance or through a legal regulator’s compensation scheme.

If a business is regulated you can look them up through the regulation website. If for example, a business is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) they will appear on this website. The company’s own website will also show a green tick to confirm they are an SRA regulated firm.

Other Divorce Service Providers

Only you acting in person or regulated legal professionals are permitted to file divorce papers with the Court.

Many online divorce businesses can offer support and advice on preparing the divorce papers. These business may offer a cheaper or more convenient service for your but are not subject to the same regulatory requirements as a regulated professional.

Getting the right information

There are many elements to the divorce process and it is important to consider the service you require. Your financial situation and whether you have children will be factors to consider.

It is important to consider whether you have agreed on where any children should live and how much time they will spend with each parent. It is also important to consider whether you have decided how you will divide money, property and other assets.

There are firms that offer ‘DIY Divorce Kits’. Other firms offer basic advice or administrative support. Some providers offer more detailed legal advice.
It is important to ask yourself exactly what is included in the service and whether it is suitable in your particular circumstance. For example: –

  • Is a legal advisor going to guide you on your decisions around the divorce process? Or are you receiving general advice to complete a ‘DIY’ divorce.
  • If a business offers to complete your divorce paperwork, are they simply transferring your information from a questionnaire, or are they advising on how to complete paperwork?
  • It might be an idea to look at the forms to be submitted to the Court ahead of purchasing a service to see how complex these are.
  • If there is anything unclear ask the business and get clarification in writing.

The cheapest quote may not be the best one to suit your needs. It is a good idea to shop around. If you are having a personal consultation with a business it is a good idea to ask about their qualifications, training and experience.


It is important to consider how the charges are calculated for a particular service. You should check whether there is a one-off fee, what is or is not included within that fee or whether the business charges and hourly rate. It would also be good to check whether there are any further fees such as Court fees.

Other Key Considerations

If you do not know the unfamiliar words or phrases used by the provider, ask them to explain this in plain language.
It is imperative that you understand the terms and conditions that come with a divorce service and you should read these carefully before proceeding.

Other steps to be considered: –

  • Check whether the divorce service provider has professional indemnity insurance in place. This is important as if something goes wrong and this is not in place you might not be able to recover compensation
  • Check whether the divorce service provider has a complaints handling process and what options are available if something goes wrong.
  • Ensure you look out for any limits on compensation and whether these are unfair.
  • Research the relevant guidance on the process for a divorce where you live so you can better understand the services being provided.


The Employment Rights Bill; Employment Law Changes Are Coming

On the 10 th October 2024 the Government introduced into Parliament the Employment Rights Bill. The Bill looks at 28 different employment law reforms, some of which are quite radical and will result in a huge change to employment law, including establishing day one right for employees to bring claims for unfair dismissal, subject to a statutory probationary period. There is the introduction of statutory bereavement leave. Also, to prevent zero hours contracts from being abused such workers will be entitled to guaranteed hours
reflecting actual, average hours worked.

The current statutory sick pay (SSP) three-day waiting period and the lower earnings limit will be removed, and flexible working will become the default where practical.

This is to name just a few of the changes!

Watch this space – we will produce further blogs to keep you updated.

If you need employment law advice or representation as an employee or employer then please do get in touch. Our employment law specialist, Jennifer Carpenter, solicitor/partner
has over 25 years experience in this field.

What Does Conditional Order Mean In Divorce Proceedings?

The Conditional Order (previously known as the Decree Nisi) is granted by the Court once the 20 week cooling off period, which is from the date of issue of the Divorce Application, has passed.

The Conditional Order is the first stage in the divorce proceedings and parties are not legally divorced until one or both parties apply for the Final Order (previously known as the Decree Absolute). This can only be applied for six weeks after the date of the Conditional Order.

Once the Final Order is granted by the Court, this legally brings the parties’ marriage to an end.

Please note however, that even though the Final Order has been granted in the divorce proceedings, this does not stop either party making financial claims against the other.

We are experts at handling divorces from the simplest to the most complex, so when you are ready to proceed please do call and we will provide you the professional support you need at a difficult time in your life.