Are You A Separated Parent And Thinking About Taking Your Children Abroad On Holiday?

As the summer months approach us, many begin dreaming of taking a break from reality and jetting off abroad with the children for a holiday. However, if you are a separated parent you need to consider carefully whether you are legally entitled to carry out your plans.

1. There is a Residence Order or ‘lives with’ Child Arrangements Order in place

If there is a Residence Order or Child Arrangements Order in place, ordering that your children ‘live with’ you (formerly known as a Residence Order) then you are able to take your children abroad on holiday for up to 28 days. The order must stipulate that the children are to ‘live with’ or ‘reside’ with you after the words “it is ordered”. If you do have an Order of this nature and are travelling abroad with the children, then it is still courteous to inform the other parent of your intentions. The only way you would be unable to travel abroad on holiday with the children when there is a ‘lives with’ Order in place, would be if there was also a Prohibited Steps Order in place preventing you from doing so.

2. There is a Contact Order or ‘spends time with’ Child Arrangements Order in place

If the Child Arrangements Order does not legally record that the children are to ‘live with’ you as explained above, or you are the parent that ‘spends time with’ the children (previously known as a Contact Order) then you must obtain the consent from everyone who shares Parental Responsibility for the children, before you are able to take the children abroad on holiday.

3. There is no Court Order in place in relation to the children

Whether you are the children’s primary carer or not, you would need to obtain the consent from everyone who shares Parental Responsibility for the children, before you are able to take the children abroad on holiday.

4. Who shares Parental Responsibility?

A child’s mother will always have Parental Responsibility (unless a public law order has been made stipulating otherwise). A child’s father will share parental responsibility if he was married to the mother, he is named on the child’s birth certificate (only applicable to births registered after 01.12.2003), he and the mother have entered into a Parental Responsibility Agreement, or the Court has made a Parental Responsibility Order in the father’s favour. Other third parties, such as step parents, guardians or same sex parents may also share Parental Responsibility, by virtue of a Parental Responsibility Agreement or Parental Responsibility Order. A third party could also acquire Parental Responsibility if they have a Residence Order or ‘lives with’ order in their favour.

5. What happens if I cannot obtain the necessary consent?

For the avoidance of doubt, it is always recommended that consent from the necessary third parties is obtained in writing before a holiday is taken. If consent is not given or refused, then it would be necessary for you to make an application to the Court for a Specific Issue Order before your intended holiday. The Court are able to make an Order permitting a foreign holiday in the absence of consent from the necessary third parties. If the other parent or person with Parental Responsibility wants to prevent a foreign trip for a specific reason, then they could apply to the Court for a Prohibited Steps Order. If you travel abroad with the children without the appropriate consent or Order of the Court, then you could potentially be prosecuted for child abduction.

If you are unsure whether you are acting appropriately, or wish to receive further advice or assistance in this regard, then please do not hesitate to contact our Family Department.

Kerri Westlake

Graduate Legal Executive

Lexcel Report 2018

Adams Harrison solicitors has undergone a vigorous annual maintenance visit in order to be audited for our Lexcel accreditation. I am pleased to report that we continue to hold the Legal Excellence Standard endorsed by the Law Society.

Please click on the image below to downlaod the summary report

Adams Harrison Lexcel Report 2018 Image

Sawston Fun Run 2018

Team Adams Harrison took part on the 13th May in the Sawston Fun Run.  An event that we have sponsored for many years.

Team From Adams Harrison Sawston Fun Run 2018

Cathy Buck, daughter Izzy, Maddie, Rebecca Dedman (Maddie’s Mum) Sue Lawton and Jack Sue’s grandson

Please click on the image below to download the press release report from the organisers.

Sawston Fun Run Report Image

And here is a list of the placings in the various groups.

Sawston Fun Run Placings.


Refund of Employment Tribunal Fees

The Lord Chancellor has provided an update on employment tribunal fees to the House of Commons Justice Committee. A large number of potentially eligible people have apparently failed to apply since the refund scheme was rolled out in November last year, following the abolition of Tribunal fees. The Ministry of Justice is therefore writing to affected people in order to raise awareness. The first batch of 2,000 letters was issued on 9 April 2018.

If you paid a Tribunal fee in the past then it is likely you can apply for a refund. See our previous blog dated 24th October 2017. Should you require assistance with this process then please contact us.

Fundraising for Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust

Addenbrookes's Charitable Trust Logo
Congratulations to Christine Gee, one of our Wills and Probate team members based at the Sawston office, who took part in the Addenbrookes Charitable Trust Make A Will Week.

Christine gave her time for free to prepare Wills for clients and they then made a donation to the Trust.  Christine raised a total of £1750.00 in the week.  Amazing total and well done to Christine.

Two Staff Members Pass Their ILEX Exams

Many congratulations are due to Hannah Jeffries based at our Saffron Walden office and Alex Galloni based at the Sawston office, who have passed their recent ILEX examinations.

Absolutely wonderful news and we are very proud of them on their success.


Haverhill Apprenticeship Event “Thank You”

Adams Harrison received this lovely “Thank You” note for our involvement in a local apprenticeship event.

Thank you and your colleague/apprentice, on behalf of Karen and myself, for your support in participating in this years Haverhill Town Council/One Haverhill Partnership Apprenticeship Event. We are very pleased with the turn out and hope that you too found it to be a success. We very much hope that Adams Harrison will participate next time.

In the Youth Skills Department, we are already beginning to think of how to improve our event next time. Naturally, should you have any feedback or suggestions that you would like to provide, positive or otherwise, please feel free to share it with us.

Additionally, in this coming year, should you need any assistance in terms of apprenticeships or employment opportunities and support in Haverhill, especially for young people, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.

Daniel Cooke and Karen Chapple

Surprise For Lisa Thornhill

Staff of Adams Harrison surprised Lisa on her 30th birthday by decorating her room and showering her with cards and presents. Congratulations Lisa.

Lisa Thornhill 30th Birthday Surprise


Adams Harrison Partner In The News

Shoshana Goldhill, Partner at Adams Harrison, and her family have been in the news for hosting a 21 year old Syrian refugee in their home.

Picture Copyright UNHCR

Picture Copyright UNHCR


Read more here

Christmas Cards Charity Donation #3

The third of our Christmas donations was to Haverhill and District Gateway Club – a social club for adults with a learning disability. The club meets fortnightly to participate in a wide range of leisure and craft activities and also have a number of outings throughout the year.

The cheque for £350 was presented by Rhodri Rees.

Will Harrison sent us a lovely thank you letter;

Haverhill & District Gateway Club Thankyou Letter